HeartBeat by Stereotank is a public art installation celebrating Valentine’s Day in Times Square.

HeartBeat | a Valentine’s Day Drum in Times Square

  • HeartBeat by Stereotank is a public art installation celebrating Valentine’s Day in Times Square.
    HeartBeat by Stereotank is a public art installation celebrating Valentine’s Day in Times Square.

Stereotank´s HeartBeat Doubles as a Urban Drum in Times Square

A giant, interactive heart-shaped instrumental art piece has been placed in Times Square.  HeartBeat by Stereotank is a public art installation celebrating Valentine’s Day.

HeartBeat by Stereotank is a public art installation celebrating Valentine’s Day in Times Square.
HeartBeat by Stereotank is a public art installation celebrating Valentine’s Day in Times Square.

This engagement sculpture consists of a massive heart glowing with a warm, pulsating light, and emits a deep and low frequency heartbeat sound. Visitors are encouraged to move around and engage with it by playing various percussion instruments such as the xylophone and South America’s tumbadora drum. The audience is invited to come together and creatively play, listen, dance and feel the vibrations of the heart while enjoying the warm pulsating light. In the emblematic and relentless atmosphere of Times Square HeartBeat orchestrates multiple rhythms into a unique urban concert. Sara Valente created the piece with her husband Marcelo Ertorteguy through their Brooklyn-based art company Stereotank.

“What’s common between Love and Music?  Love is about sharing and being ‘in tune’ with somebody, so it is the creation of music, a concert is a combined action where the performers are also ‘in tune’ creating harmony. Heartbeat orchestrates Times Square’s unique, active, flickering atmosphere.” – Sara Valente and Marcelo Ertorteguy of Stereotank

This is the seventh year the Times Square Arts and the Times Square Alliance have selected a special Valentine’s art installation; HeartBeat will be on view in Father Duffy Square through March 8.

Photographs by Clint Spaulding for @TSqArts Lighting design by and Stephanie Hillegas (Arup) Sound and Interaction Design by Terence Caulkins (Arup)