Surprising List Of Places You’ve Probably Always Been Mispronouncing
When travelling, a great faux-pas to avoid if you want to get in good with the locals is mispronouncing the name of their hometown.There’s nothing more flabbergasting than realizing you’ve been pronouncing the name of so many places wrong, your entire life!
Without knowing it, you might be pronouncing the names of many famous locales incorrectly. The folks at Thrillophilia, an online marketplace for tours and activities, compiled a list of of countries, cities, and destinations that many of us probably say wrong.
A fascinating and helpful list that helps to avoid potential embarrassment on spot. And even if you don’t say “Bey-jing” perfectly right, your efforts will be appreciated by the locals.
Check out Thrillophilia’s entire list 32 of commonly-mispronounced places.