A Mysterious Wonderland in the Woods of France

The enchanted forest. Deep in the woods of south France, Spencer Byles created a mysterious wonderland through a series of spectacular, organic sculptures.

The ephemeral nature of Byles’ creations is integral to his work, as each piece exists in its completed state for only as long as the elements permit. The sculptor says, “The temporary nature of my sculptures is an important aspect of my experiences and understanding. I feel my sculptures are only really completed when nature begins to take hold again and gradually weave its way back into the materials. At this point it slowly becomes part of nature again and less a part of me.”

The enchanted forest. Deep in the woods of south France, Spencer Byles created a mysterious wonderland through a series of spectacular, organic sculptures.

The enchanted forest. Deep in the woods of south France, Spencer Byles created a mysterious wonderland through a series of spectacular, organic sculptures.

The enchanted forest. Deep in the woods of south France, Spencer Byles created a mysterious wonderland through a series of spectacular, organic sculptures.