Cornela Conrads, land art with snow balls.

20 Gems of Site Specific Land Art

Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Nest by Nils-Udo


20 Unforgettable Examples of Land Art

Some time ago, on occasion of the  Ends of the Earth: Land Art to 1974, at the Museum of Contemporary Art (or MOCA) in Los Angeles, my modern met compiled a selection of their very favorite pieces of land art. You may have seen some of the works already but they surely deserve a second view. Most of these works are site specific, meaning they’re designed for a particular location. From Nils-Udo’s giant nest to Cornelia Konrads’ impossibly sculptures, they all are unforgettable examples of land art.



Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Andy Goldsworthy
Andy Goldsworthy

Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Andy Goldsworthy
Andy Goldsworthy

Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Andy Goldsworthy
Andy Goldsworthy

Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Sylvian Meyer
Sylvian Meyer

Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Richard Schilling
Richard Schilling

Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Walter Mason
Walter Mason

Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Jim Denevan
Jim Denevan

Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Robert Smithson
Robert Smithson

Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Andrew Rogers
Andrew Rogers

Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Andrew Rogers
Andrew Rogers


Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Sylvian Meyer
Sylvian Meyer

Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Andrew Goldsworthy
Andrew Goldsworthy

Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Cornelia Konrads
Cornelia Konrads

Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Andrew Goldsworthy
Andrew Goldsworthy

Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Andrew Goldsworthy
Andrew Goldsworthy

Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Cornelia Konrads
Cornelia Konrads

Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Sonja Hinrichsen
Sonja Hinrichsen

Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Simon Beck
Simon Beck

Twenty unforgettable pieces of land art. Simon Beck
Simon Beck

| via my modern met