Spacial illusions turn walls into a whirling vortex.
Peter Kogler’s geometric patterns transform flat, white walls into dizzying underground tunnels. The artist’s contoured lines that blanket gallery walls employ curves and swoops to make viewers feel as if they’ve been sucked into a whirling vortex. Some of his designs encompass entire hallways allowing the spectator to move physically through the patterns.

Austrian artist Peter Kogler began his artistic journey “by adopting the tradition of conceptual and media art, and by developing his explorations at the intersection of different disciplines and media – performance, video, film, painting, computer art, sculpture, and architecture. Kogler has been interested in new, innovative art practices, not only in the field of visual, but also in performative arts, sound and music. In his numerous multimedia projects, executed in different media, the virtual has become the realm of the real and the boundaries of architecture acquired a new dimension.” Zagreb Museum of Contemporary Art

via [Juxtapoz]| via my modern met