Art Prague, the 15th International Contemporary Art Fair at Kafka‘s House.
The 15th edition of the Art Prague is located in the very heart of Prague, in the birth house of Franz Kafka. The art fair spreads over 4 floors, filling the complete building with works by around 250 international and Czech artists. Most exhibitors focus on the classic fine arts, paintings, drawings and sculptures, juxtaposed with performances and video installations in the accompanying projects and daily specials curated by Robert Carrithers. Till Sunday, March 20th, you can encounter an overdose of contemporary art from well-known names like Jan Švankmajer, Jiří Kolář and Miroslav Tichy to fresh faces like Sabrina Milazzo who shows her hyperrealistic oil paintings in the rooms of Italian newcomer Chiono Reisova Art Gallery. Again the Art Prague, directed by Iva Nesvadbova, positions itself among the relevant European art fairs.
The perfect follow-up of a day at the Art Prague is to dive into the Experimental Space NoD | Roxy, a venue that consists of three key dramaturgy lines – theatrical Teatro NoD, artistic Gallery NoD and Events NoD, while being club, cafe and concert space at the same time.

The full dose compressed into one space not far away from the Art Prague at Dlouhá 33
110 00, Praha 1 .
Art Prague
Kafka´s House
Prague 1
náměstí Franze Kafky 3