A DIY Project: Use fiber optic lights to create a starry night Sky.
Have you ever wanted to add some serious sparkle to your boring bathroom floor? Well, now you can. An Instructables member named Baldr turned their restroom tile into looking like a starry night sky, and they tell you how to do it, too! Using materials like fiber-optic lights, tile, and grout, along with some extra time, it’s a DIY project perfect for handy homeowners. if they catch your fancy, go to Baldr’s entire detailed plan on the Instructables website.
Once you gather the list of required equipment, Baldr instructs you to make a plan about where your light source is going to go. Bundle your fibers and then place them under the tiles. It’s helpful to have knowledge of how to lay tile, but Baldr’s process doesn’t exactly follow conventional methods. You’ll eventually trim the fibers and properly terminate them so that your floor lights up. What a great, unique way to decorate your bathroom.
| via my modern met